Barn Cat Application
Please copy and paste the following information into an email and send to [email protected] with the subject line - Barn Cat Adoption Application
- Full name
- Phone number
- Address
- Tell use about the place you will keep cats; please be as detailed as possible
- Are there other animals? Please tell us about them.
- Are you committed to providing food and water year round?
- How will cats keep warm in winter?
- Livestock help to keep the area warmer
- Heated room the cats will have access to 24/7
- Insulated cat house with appropriate bedding (straw, shavings, hay)
- No heat sources
- Other
- Are there other unfixed cats on your property?
- How many cats are you looking for?
- Is there any poison on site?
- For the transition to be successful, cats need a MINIMUM of 3 week transition period. How do you plan to ensure this happens? Please be detailed.
- Anything else we need to know
- Are you OK with feral/semi feral cats? These cats will not hurt you but you may only be able to love them from a distance.
- Please attach photos of where you plan to keep cats